Influential Black Designers You Should Know About
As we celebrate Black History Month this February, we wanted to feature some of the most influential black designers that have shaped and molded the design industry as we know it today.
As we celebrate Black History Month this February, we wanted to feature some of the most influential black designers that have shaped and molded the design industry as we know it today.
In fact, some ancient cultures even used chromotherapy – the use of colors to heal.1 Color researchers today are skeptical of any “curing” powers in color, but most tend to agree that color can have a marked effect on emotion and mood.
With all the longevity, training, and experience of the ad/design industry, companies are still questioning whether or not they “need” a design agency. Here are our thoughts on the subject.
They say it’s what is on the inside that counts, but when it comes to product packaging, most consumers will judge a book by its cover.
Prior to the deep dive I took into the world of designing for the financial industry over the past couple of years, I was a Packaging Designer. Read my recap on the the 2019 Dieline Awards, which formally recognize the absolute best in consumer product packaging design worldwide.
Perhaps it’s the fact that a new Top Golf location is going up not four blocks away from my new apartment, but it got me thinking about how much what we do compares to the game of golf, well Top Golf.