Influential Black Designers You Should Know About
As we celebrate Black History Month this February, we wanted to feature some of the most influential black designers that have shaped and molded the design industry as we know it today.
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It’s Women’s Small Business Month! We thought it might be the perfect time to talk a bit more about our WBENC certification and the importance of supporting women owned businesses, especially in the creative/marketing industry.
Did you know that 61% of designers are female yet the number of agencies with female creative directors is just 3%?1 This is an astounding disparity for mid to upper-level positions held at creative firms. Additionally, only 0.1% of all creative agencies are founded by women.2
It’s important to note that more often than not, women are the primary decision makers (and drivers) within their household and influence nearly 85% of ALL consumer purchases.3 It begs the question, why aren’t more women holding more mid to upper level positions in the industry and why aren’t there more women-owned creative agencies?
Sources: 2019 AIGA Design Census
The good news is that while those stats are dismal, things are looking up. In the past few years, we are seeing an upward trend in companies seeking design and marketing work from women because of the direct correlation to consumer purchasing statistics. With the understanding that women offer a very authentic perspective when advertising and marketing brands, more businesses are balancing their in-house ratio of men to women or outsourcing to women-owned agencies.
But how can creative agencies, and businesses in general, shift the environment and culture to support women in business?
To help balance the scales even more, many organizations assist in the development, support, and promotion of women-owned businesses. Specifically, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) is the largest certifier of women-owned businesses in the US. Their certification verifies that the business is at least 51 percent owned, controlled, operated and managed by women. They also provide many resources, support, networking, and education for member businesses. Corporations and government agencies seek women-owned vendors and contractors for many reasons, and the WBENC certification affirms that the business meets the rigorous criteria. Since October of 2019, McGrath + McKenna has been a proud WBENC certified Women’s Business Enterprise and SBA Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB).
Closing the revenue and employment gap by supporting women-owned businesses (and small businesses in general) will not only help to fuel our economic recovery, but it will empower women as leaders and bring about a more diverse, balanced, and sustainable economy. Let’s all work together to support women-owned businesses this October and well into the future.
If you’re interested in receiving the WBENC certification, visit: https://www.wbenc.org/certification.
For more information on women in business and marketing to women:
20 facts and Figures to Know when marketing to women
Diversity Best Practices’ Women Facts
Women in the Workplace 2020 Report
1 Source: 2019 AIGA Design Census
2 Source: https://adage.com/article/agencies/world-female-agency-founders/313902
3 Source: https://chainstoreage.com/news/study-women-influence-85-all-purchases
4 Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/03/16/how-does-sexism-influence-workplaces-today/#4409938c7e51
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